At the core...
... I'm an escapist who learned to use my escapism, not to leave, but to get closer to.
Sometimes, it’s the fantastical that can help us understand reality. That’s why my stories oftentimes use metaphoric places and characters that ultimately are manifestations and personifications of universal—as well as interpersonal—issues. That's also why my first novel, Journey Of Mem, is a fairytale self-exploration. I have always loved the power of metaphor that fairytales possess. They offer us vulnerable insight from a safe distance but they still have the ability to pierce us straight into the heart.
There is the external story, and then there's the internal, so, therefore, I have chosen to share some ABOUT ME facts in both ways.
1. I moved to LA from Sweden to find a career.
2. I'm a professional dancer, who danced before I walked.
3. I run a dance company that teaches children to write dance stories, mixing poetry and choreography.
4. I write a lot about misunderstood monsters.
5. I love rain, foggy beaches, melancholy songs, complicated people with sad eyes...
6. Like most writers, I love my coffee!
1. I needed to leave what I knew to find myself.
2. Dancing has been there for me when words have felt too scary to use. Dance saved my sanity.
3. I'm scared of voicelessness, so I love seeing others use their voices, especially kids.
4. Because I'm pretty much in constant couples' therapy with my own inner monster!
5. Too much giddiness makes me uncomfortable. Probably because I'm scared I can't live up to it.
6. Routines make me feel safe and cozy.